Ask For A Free Electrician Estimate

What To Ask Your Murfreesboro Electrical Contractor

  1. Does the Electrician have suitable References? - Yes
  2. Is the Electrician insured, and can PROVE this? - Yes
  3. Is the Electrician licensed by the State? - Yes
  4. Is the Electrician licensed by the City of Murfreesboro? - Yes
  5. Is the Electrician licensed by Metro Nashville? - Yes
  6. Is the Electrician bonded? - Yes
  7. Do you have a warranty? - Yes
  8. Do I deal direct with the owner, or a sales rep? - The Owner
  9. Do you use the highest quality products available from your electrical supplier? - Yes
  10. Is the property left clean daily? - Yes

If you are looking for an electrical contractor in Murfreesboro then please call 615-900-3259 or complete our online request form.